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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Back at the Gym, No guilt

Let's pretend there's a picture of me in work out gear looking fierce and sweaty.

Excuses sometimes are disguised. I realized that recently. I have to work out in the evening so I have been doing my videos and weights at home for the last 6 weeks. I prefer to go to the gym because it's well, more fun! I feel like I push myself more too. I was feeling guilty for leaving my family in the evening to go to the gym. I prayed for peace to go to the gym because that's what I needed to do for my goals. I had a realization.

Why is it that I did not feel guilty when I left for a girl's night out, but I do for the gym. BOOM! It was an excuse. I know it was God who shined that light on me and made me realize. He hit me on the side of my head and made that clear to me.

I sat down with the Boss to make a schedule. I am so happy to be back at the gym. I love seeing other friends with the same goals in mind. To be honest, I don't feel the same reviving energy with Denise Austin as I do in my Zumba class. Zumba makes me feel alive and gangsta-like on the top of the world.

Update: I've been back to the gym two weeks now and I will keep on because I love it!

Take that cheeseburger! Stomp you out! BOOM!

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