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Monday, March 24, 2014

My Motivation is Back and I'm on Fire

It's day four of  back on healthy eating 100% of the time. Today my motivation soared. It all happened during the day as I beat my food monsters, the fire in me got greater and greater.

I walked into work with my armor on feeling like a warrior. Next in my face I saw a three layer cake I could smell from 3 feet away. It was picture perfect and all I could think of was sinking my teeth into it. When I saw it I actually jumped back as if it was a spider. I fought the urge to have some for the rest of the day. My brain would push me for a piece, a silver or even a nibble. NO was the answer.

Beating the chocolate cake gave me a feeling of triumph and determination I had been missing  for a few days. The feeling of passing up on unhealthy food is satisfying and makes me feel stronger. I kept thinking, say no and you are closer to your goal. Woohoo! I beat the cake!

The fire I was feeling gave me the boost of confidence to jump on our trampoline with my Monkey. I hesitated because the last time I tried it, it was awful. I felt like my heart was in my throat and I was so out of breath. This time I was a trampoline jumpin ninja along with my Monkey. I played dodge ball, ran and jumped higher than before.

 I am celebrating I was able to enjoy the trampoline with my boy.

Just the wins I needed to feel on fire again. Watch out!

See that? It's my winner strut.

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