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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Good Bye Zumba

 I weight 239 in this photo I took a while ago in Zumba class. Not sure of the look on my face, but I thought it was fitting for this post. 

Good Bye Zumba
Thank you for the good times.

I had to say good bye to Zumba. I've intermittently been going to Zumba since 2009 and consistently in the last 6 months. It was my  main form of cardio exercise. Zumba makes me feel on top of the world with BeyoncĂ© and a gangster all at the same time. Recently, my knee would ache during Zumba. I didn't want to believe it, but I could no longer deny it. I think it's because I could jump more or move faster, my body screamed back at me. I decided for my well being to quit all together. This is disappointing. I have met so many instructors that are so positive and high energy. I loved dancing with them. I shared my feelings with my therapist ( that's another post), he helped me realize that exercise did not have to be strenuous to get healthy. He said "Do something that you can do the rest of your life." The dr. suggested walking. Booo! That definitely sounds boring. Well, he told me all about walking and how great it was for our bodies. Sigh! I'm so sad I have to make this change. Going from Zumba to walking is like going from a strobe-light filled party with Beyonce and Pit Bull to a silent slow moving tea party. Blahhh.

It's best for me to listen to my body. I will find a new way to enjoy the burn. Hey! I can still dance in my kitchen, it just can't be for a whole hour. I always end up dancing while I cook, so I still have that and will love it.

Praying for peace over this change. I believe I will find another exercise I love and when I do I will share it with you. I still got leg and arm day and those are my friends. I got fat arms and saddle bags to blast.

PS. I already have a fave new workout. I will tell you soon. 

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